If you enjoy traveling, you’ve probably been on your fair share of road trips. Exploring the landscape via the open road always provides a unique experience, and some experiences are more enjoyable than others.
One particular experience you hope will never happen is getting into a car accident while you’re out on your road trip. However, hoping won’t keep you from experiencing this unfortunate occasion.
You can better prepare yourself for such an occasion by equipping your mind with the knowledge you’ll need to unravel the mess. Take a quick read through this quick look at what to do if you are in a wreck while you’re on a road trip.
Check everyone for injuries
The first thing you should do after being in an accident, no matter where you are, is check everyone for injuries. If everyone is okay, it’s safe to evacuate them from the vehicle. If there are bad injuries, it’s best to sit tight until help arrives.
Move your car to a safe space
Contrary to popular belief, you can move your vehicle after a collision. If the vehicle is operable, it’s safer to get it out of the way of traffic. You risk another collision by leaving your vehicle in the middle of the road. Move over to the side of the road, and call the police.
Notify the local authorities
It may seem silly to call the police because it’s likely that someone has already made that phone call. However, you can’t rely on the actions of others when it comes to the safety of yourself or your friends/family. Make the call yourself to make certain that help is on the way.
Gather information at the scene
Gather important information while you’re still on the scene of the accident, given that you are not injured. The police will do their own report of the wreck, but extra record-keeping never did anyone any harm.
If you have trouble getting the financial end of everything sorted out, your accident lawyer will be thankful that you took the time to make your own records. Having your own records will help to corroborate your situation later on down the road.
Call your insurance agent ASAP
As soon as you are free to do so, you need to make a phone call to your auto insurance company to report the accident. The faster you report the accident, the faster your insurance provider can begin working on your accident claim.
You don’t want to be without a vehicle for very long, and your insurance company can set up a rental car for you and your travel party. You may be able to salvage the trip if you keep your cool.